HPAuthorized Service CenterRepair HP all categories. High quality and inexpensive repairwww.hp.fg-group.tj We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
CIBTCredit - information bureau of TajikistanPrivate credit bureau that provides services in providing a credit report, which based on the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan.www.cibt.tj We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
VosKamConstruction ProductsThe group of companies VosKam engaged in delivery of building and finishing materials since 1996.www.voskam.ru We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
PixelSystem Integrator in TajikistanLLC "Pixel" - provides professional services in the field of information and communication technologies, both private and legal entities, interested in optimization of their business.www.pixel.tj We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
VentodecoInternet-shopEquipment for jewelry stores and jewelry.www.ventodeco.ru We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
VentolableInternet-shopTags on clothes, clothes Labels, Tapes with logo, Metal hardware.www.ventolabel.ru We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
TajsetInternet-shopThe network of salons of communication companies Tajсеть in the Republic of Tajikistan.www.tajset.tj We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
Barakattrade markProduction: sugar, grocery and snacks.www.barakat.com.tj We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
NeverWetunique sprayNeverWet - official representative of the company Arluma Enterprises in Russia and product NeverWet Industrial.www.neverwet-msk.ru We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |
Fenix CompanyComputer shopShop online for computer shop Fenixwww.fenix.tj We have done: Design, layout, functionality and content |